Statement From ATF Special Agent Vincent A. Cefalu On ATF Upper Management Involved In Fast N Furious
Special Agent
Bureau Of Alcohol Tobacco And Firearms

Since this matter has resurfaced in an attempt by the ATF Spin Doctor Scot Thomasson, its probably appropriate to address it.First Scot, the American people, Congress and more importantly our Agents, Inspectors and Clerical Staff are NOT stupid. Remember? We live here to and know EXACTLY what smoke and mirrors and word splitting you are capable of. If you think for one minute that people are enraged or or outraged about a minor misstatement by an uneducated media that these guys were promoted, once again you are dead wrong. They are mad they they (the taxpayers) had to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to relocate these guys out of the public eye to protect their SES and management positions even before the OIG report has been submitted. Now all this money has been paid, and what happens when a competent authority prosecutes and convicts them for one of the many laws they've broken? Are they going to pay that money back? Of course not. Now lets break down your statements for the public who does not necessarily understand the nuances of ATFs corrupt smoke and mirrors. FELL FREE to respond. You are welcomed and invited to do so.
"Yesterday news reports suggested that ATF agents involved in supervising Operation Fast and Furious had been promoted and reassigned. A statement from Scot Thomasson, chief, Public Affairs Division, Office of Public and Governmental Affairs, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) now suggests that the agents were reassigned to administrative duties but not promoted. So what? Does that somehow suggest accountability by placing them in positions still overseeing critical ATF programs or alleviate their crimes, broken policy's and violations of their oath of office? NO!!!!! See the following:
“Recent media reports have inaccurately characterized personnel changes involving ATF agents associated with the Fast and Furious operation as promotions. So what? And FYI Ive made 3 PCS(permanent change of station)moves and you can make a ton of money on a PCS move. Therefore there IS financial Gain. Special Agents Voth, Newell and McMahon were laterally transferred from operational positions and moved into administrative roles, they were not promoted. Voth now oversees not just a small group but our ENTIRE Tobacco diversion programs and hes NOT in HQ he's being allowed to do it from Phoenix. His decisions now effect Hundreds of investigations, not dozens, AND he gets his HQ credit for further promotions. They did not receive salary or grade increases nor did they assume positions with greater responsibility. NOR have they been benched or taken out of ATF operations in the manner EVERY OTHER AGENT facing an OIG investigation such as this WOULD HAVE BEEN. Newell has his feet kicked up, still drawing exactly the same pay, same rank as he has all along. BUT hes doing it on per Diem. Which for a guy who publicly turned down a previous attempt to bring him to HQ crying that he was upside down on his house, is quite a financial perk. McMahon? When did the Deputy Assistant Director of our Internal Affairs become non operational or administrative. He oversees EVERY integrity and many misconduct cases against field agents. His position may be the most bizarre of all. He is now the DIRECT point of contact for the OIG who is investigating HIS actions. Just sayin people, if it looks corrupt, smells corrupt it probably is. Begs to question any judgement or commitment by the Agency to correct or address this debacle. (In the interest of transparency, the personal abuses I have suffered, Have gone right across Bill McMahons desk. I not only reported his actions and integrity violations and exposed an inaccurate and totally incomplete IA investigation, but he then sat on The PANEL who then voted to terminate me. Go Figure. That IA investigation or lack there of will be made public shortly, and the readers will see that not ONE out of a possible 10-12 Special agents and Police officers who did testify or are prepared to testify under oath that Gleysteen Downs, Vido and others fabricated AND subsequently perjured themselves in their quest to retaliate against me for telling the truth. Why is this relevant? Mc Mahon is now the guy who will be required to REVIEW said deficient Internal affairs report. If this wasn't so damn serious, it would be funny as hell)
On May 13, 2011, Deputy Assistant Director McMahon, Field Operations was reassigned to a position within the Office of Professional Responsibility and Security Operations back filling a position that had been vacant for over a year. His transfer was one of six other transfers announced on that day involving various other positions.See ABOVE
On August 1, 2011, Special Agent Newell, who had been selected as Country Attaché Mexico City, was reassigned to the Office of Management to assist with the OIG investigation and Congressional inquiry. He drew out of country benefits for as long as he could until Hoover and Chait realized they would be tarred and feathered if they sent Newell to Mexico. Should he even be involved in any query other than as a suspect. No other agent I am aware of in 25 years has been allowed to assist in the investigation of their own violations. Must be a new policy. AT SES pay and benefits. There are agents who have sat home for years, yes YEARS while they we being investigated.
Furthermore, Special Agent Voth was reassigned to a headquarters position, a lateral move into a program area. These transfers/reassignments have never been described as promotions in any of the documents announcing them”. Described? Oh so I guess it aint so because you didn't describe them. Again, Voth has MORE authority, he in not placed on admin leave and he isn't even being transferred to HQ in any timely manner. Hell the "breaking a few eggs" comment should have gotten him removed from management period. Voth, this one is straight from me to you. THEY AREN'T EGGS, THEY ARE HUMAN LIVES, MEXICAN CITIZENS AND TWO U.S. FEDERAL AGENTS.
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