Saturday, October 29, 2011

Border agent Jesus Diaz persecution, US Justice Department corruption, Obama motive Hispanic vote, Citizen Wells opinion

Border agent Jesus Diaz persecution, US Justice Department corruption, Obama motive Hispanic vote, Citizen Wells opinion
Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and other innocent people were killed as a result of project “Fast and Furious.” Eric Holder is under investigation. The likely purpose of the project was to appeal to the far left, Obama’s core support, by creating the need for more gun control.

The disregard for border agents and securing our borders is due to the fact that Obama wants the Hispanic vote. It comes as no surprise that the Justice Department, at the urging of the Mexican Government, has chosen to persecute Border agent Jesus Diaz.

I have read the evidence that is available, I have listened to an interview of his wife and this is my conclusion:
Based on the available evidence, Border Patrol Agent Jesus Diaz should have at the most been given a reprimand and clarification of department policy.

My personal opinion is that it would be ok to shoot the illegal, criminal violator of our sovereignty and multiple statutes in the leg. The young man invaded our country and agent Diaz was protecting us. I believe that he deserves a medal.

The Mexican Government and our government are treading on very thin ice.

Thomas Jefferson comes to mind.

Citizen Wells

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